뻥을 까다 영어로
- brag
- boast
- show off
- 까다: 까다11 [제하다] take (away / out) ; deduct
- 까다: 까다11 [제하다] take (away / out) ; deduct ; subtract . 세금을 까고 월 40만 원의 수입 a monthly income of 400,000 won after taxes. 봉급에서 월부금을 ~ deduct a monthly instal(l)ment one's salary. 본전에서 이자를 ~ take off[deduct
- 불까다: 불까다 castrate; emasculate; (주로 동물을) geld. 불깐 닭[말] a capon[gelding]. 말을 ~ geld a horse. 그는 그의 개를 불깠다 He had his dog neutered.
- 알을 까다: incubate
- 괴까다롭다: 괴까다롭다 ☞ 꾀까다롭다
- 까다로운: grumpy; particular; chuff; choosy; morose; crusty; fastidious; troublous; gruff; hard to please; bearish
- 까다로운 것: grumpiness
- 까다로운 사람: precisian; crosspatch
- 까다로움: particularity; preciosity; stringency
- 까다롭게: acidly; acerbically
- 까다롭다: 까다롭다1 (성미·취향이) fastidious ; overnice; particular ; hard to please. 성미가 까다로운 사람 a fastidious person / a person hard to please. 식성이 ~ be fastidious[particular] about one's food / have too many likes a
- 꽤 까다로운: pernickety
- 꾀 까다로운: ill-favored; ugly; esthetically challenged
- 꾀까다로운: fastidious; squeamish; atrabilious; quarrelsome; queasy
- 꾀까다롭다: 꾀까다롭다1 (문제가) tricky; complicated; complex; delicate; intricate. 꾀까다로운 문제 a tricky problem / a difficult question. 이 문제는 다소 ~ This problem is a little too hard to solve. 이것은 꾀까다로운 문제다 It's a knotty[t